[Note: Please read this web page and then Download the PDF version for reference and greater detail.]
TagWrite converts native IBM Bookmaster, DCF (Document Composition Format or DCF\Script) to RTF, XML, or Word.
We accept your Bookmaster or DCF\Script source files in the original, raw, tagged ASCII format. We transform the original file into XML or RTF (Rich Text Format) for precisely formatted import into Microsoft Word and other products.
Integrity of Your Data is Protected
It is very important to understand that TagWrite is a software Transformer and reads (parses) your original Bookmaster\DCF data. TagWrite is NOT a scanning or a key entry method. It is entirely a software solution. There is no human intervention during the conversion process. It is impossible to introduce "new" or junk data into your documents. This assurance of data integrity is a key feature.
The Highest Level of Document Formatting
TagWrite has been optimized to produce fully formatted Microsoft Word or XML.
TagWrite provides complete formatting including all styles,tables, dynamic references and cross references, equations, and all other features built into Microsoft Word.
Files converted to Microsoft Word can be delivered in .DOCx, .DOC, or .PDF format
XML or DITA We have extensive experience with Bookmaster to XML or DITA. Please call to discuss conversion to XML or DITA.
Versions of IBM Publishing Products
TagWrite supports all versions of IBM Bookmaster as well as the broader IBM formats known as Document Composition Facility (DCF/Script) and Generalized Markup Language (GML).
Output Style (The Appearance of the Finished Document)
All Bookmaster and DCF\Script styles and features can be transformed into fully formatted Microsoft Word styles and features or to XML coding.
In Microsoft Word, the appearance of the original Bookmaster or DCF\Script document can be duplicated in the transformed document or you can change the stylistic appearance to meet current needs. Any input or output document style can be supported.
English and all Latin character, European languages. We have worked in 12 languages.
Supported Features
TagWrite provides complete formatting. Virtually any component of the IBM source document can be transformed into Rich Text Format (RTF) fully formatted or XML coding. Some of the features used in almost all documents are:
- Tables of any complexity in portrait (vertical) or Landscape (horizontal), including table footer correctly positioned
- Nested headings to eight levels or more if necessary
- Emphasis anywhere in the document (bold, underline, italic or combinations as needed)
- References and Cross References
- Equations on any complexity
- Graphics -- vector and raster
- Footnotes
- Headers and Footers
- Ordered (nested numbered) lists
- Simple lists
- Bulleted lists
- Paragraph text
- Note, Warning, Caution,annotation
- Definition term and Glossary term; Quote and quote item
- Revision marks
- Table of Contents, Figure reference and Figure List
- Ruling lines (:artwork)
- Index
- Tabbed data
- Special characters
- And more...
Symbols or Entities
All IBM DCF\Script- Bookmaster symbols are transformed into their Word ANSI or XML equivalent. This includes non-English characters anywhere in a document.
Most native graphics are converted on the fly by TagWrite.
Equations (Mathematical Formulas)
We support equation conversion to MathType 6 an up and to "Microsoft Equation" Microsoft Word Equation Editor, version 3+.
There are very few limits, but some may be encountered moving between DCF/Bookmaster and Microsoft Word. ZANDAR Corporation technicians will examine your document and advise you on these problems, if any. We generally find a "work around" if we meet a problem, but for most documents, there are no limitations.
Processing of the Document and Cost
Documents are processed by ZANDAR. Raw ASCII Bookmaster or DCF is supplied to ZANDAR by FTP transfer to our site or in CD. Finished documents are returned to the customer by the most convenient method. We maintain a FTP site for data transfer.
Because of the extreme variable use and complexity of DCF\Script/Bookmaster source files, ZANDAR has not provided the TagWrite software as a stand alone, retail product.
Cost varies depending upon the job requirements and size. Based on our ongoing market analysis, the cost for using the TagWrite transformer is one-third to one-tenth of the cost of any other method including re-typing the document in China, India, or the Philippines.
The low cost is especially apparent when you take account of four key factors:
- TagWrite achieves total formatting including all styles, footers, references and cross references, and all other features.
- TagWrite uses your original data, converts the file with no human intervention, and therefore does not introduce human errors.
- For TagWrite, it is not a cost consideration if your documents are heavily laden with tables, no matter how complex. We do NOT charge extra for tables.
- Equations are converted for Microsoft Word users.
ZANDAR Corporation, Vermont, USA
E-mail: sales@tagwrite.com Phone: 802-662-0556